Last Wednesday was my final day of student teaching, It was a sad one but I handled it well knowing that I was going to be back to see the kids very soon. My wonderful mentor got me a basket FULL of teacher goodies, the kids got me cup cakes and drew me pictures and gave me cards. I felt so special that my time with them meant a lot to them. While I was looking at my cards and my gifts a little girl came up and placed a brown paper bag on my desk and smiled and said "Here Ms. Mason"! I looked into the bag and there was a small stuffed toy snowman along with a note. This note forever impacted me:
This little girl has a math learning disability that I was allowed the opportunity to not only help diagnose her but allowed to help work with her. Honestly, I don't feel like I went above and beyond to help her. With my lack of experience I just did what I thought would help, we went over multiplication cards, we worked on math problems and I always tried my hardest to give her compliments, to just be positive and let her know I believed that she was capable. This little girl and her note means more to me than I think she will ever know. How lucky am I to have been able to mean something like this to a child! That's the kind of feeling that brings you to tears and drives you.
Yesterday, my best friends Jenny and Ashley threw a tacky Christmas sweater party. I had so much fun! It was good to have our groups of friends get together and just have fun. There was a lot of good food, a lot of laughs and I received a surprise. With my graduation only days away my friends along with my super, fantastic, amazing boyfriend sprung one one me. Ashley pulled me to the center of everyone and Jenny started her speech. I knew my friends were proud of me for finishing college when I could have easily given up but I never realized how proud. As a gift, a handful of them got together and bought me a round trip ticket to California for New Years so I can be with Bryan. HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!?! I have been SO concerned about Bryan moving back to California on the 21st and so scared about what route our relationship is going to take after graduation. He's going home and I'm staying due to a wonderful opportunity to work right after graduation. So now is the waiting game. My wonderful friends and Bryan made that wait a little more tolerable due to this gift. Thank you to my friends who did this for me. I have never felt so loved by friends before. Y'all truly are blessings in my life.
Our 3rd Christmas together <3
"I have never felt so loved by friends before. Y'all truly are blessings in my life."