Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Year. New life. New Start

New years resolution circa 2008: lose weight
New years resolution circa 2009: try and lose weight
New years resolution circa 2010: no, really, lose weight
New years resolution 2011: SERIOUSLY!! I'M GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!

Do I think I'm fat? absolutely not!!! Am I healthy? Am I happy with my relationship with food? Am I happy with how I look? absolutely NOT!

Introducing the yeast free diet!! My sister who is infamous for being tiny and a health nut told me she was starting a diet, usually this is the point where I would laugh and declare my undying love for junk food, fried food and cokes! With just graduating, starting a new year and essentially starting a new lifestyle(peace out college years, its been real)I've decided its time to be a big kid and take responsibility for all aspects of my life, starting out with my eating habits. You see, I have this love/HATE relationship with food; It's always been there. Some people over eat when they're happy, or when their sad and sometimes even when they're mad but me, I just flat out over eat! Why am I not overweight? I honestly think its purely for the fact of genetics... yes, in that sense I'm so blessed that it aint funny. But just because I range in the normal weight percentile for my age and weight does not mean I'm healthy... because I'm not! Do I work out? NOPE! I hate to sweat, do I watch what I eat? NOPE! Do I eat in appropriate portions? NOPE! So that's it, I've had it! I am now declaring that I, Melissa Mason, am going on a diet and swear that I will be faithful to this diet. That's part of why I'm writing this... I need someone or something to hold be accountable for this diet. I can convince myself of anything, like the fact that eating ice cream with chocolate syrup every night before bed is totally ok because ice cream is made from milk and you need milk for strong bones. So writing this makes me feel like I have something to report to and doing this with my sister, gives me someone to make me accountable for this. This point in my life is perfect for this change. I don't live in a college town so I won't eat fast food every week, Bryan is in California so he isn't here to spoil me like he always does by taking me out to dinner, or out for ice cream, or to any and every restaurant I want to go to(again, another aspect of my life where I am SO blessed, he's an amazing man, right?!), and the fact that with me teaching it leaves me on a structured eating schedule with breakfast and lunch at the same time every day. So wish me luck!!! I hope in 2-3 months I look not only skinner but more importantly, healthier :)

1 comment:

  1. is the yeast free diet working for you????
